> Noticed that I had short neck radiator cap so replaced it.
Are you certain that the radiator neck wasn't short as well ? A local club
member had similar problems a few years back, turns out he'd forgotten about
having the neck changed. The combination of a short neck and a long cap
apparently sent the system pressure through the roof.
> Wonder if the increased cooling system
> pressure caused the darn thing to fail?
Excellent possibility. Which is not to say it wouldn't have failed anyway, it
might be that running with no pressure in the system bought you some time you
didn't know about, for a heater core weakened by corrosion and old age.
> Anyhow can the thing be fixed?
My radiator guy (who usually knows his stuff) says "No". He won't even try.
> The cores available must be made out of spun
> gold for what they cost.
Dang ! Sure went up a bunch !!
> I just might leave the hoses plugged and say the heck with it.
> Any comments?
I've heard that a Spitfire heater box fits under the TR3 dash reasonably well,
and actually provides some decent heat. They show up on eBay from time to time
... I paid $20 for one that seems to be OK, but haven't installed it yet.
There's also an article in one of the Tech Talk volumes about fitting a box from
JC Whatnot where the author seemed very pleased with the result. Said it would
actually defog the windshield !