Hello all!
I am trying to push my 6 out of the shed. The drivers rear brake is
rubbing so i remove the wheel to get at the source of the problem. I
while taking of the hub adapters the lug nuts have been ground or the
corners worn off. So I am guessing a PO put wires on a steel wheel car with
spacers. I was wondering if some one knew how long the studs should be
and what size spacer i might need, and should i put anti sieze or other
lube on hub adapters when i put them back on? the other thing i was
wondering if anyone knew what steel wheels off of another car may fit the
preferably a 15 inch wheel.
and Happy motoring
may be i will get my car running in a year or so.
My Economy stinks
71 TR6 it wants to run just need the green stuff