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Daylight running lights

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Daylight running lights
From: "John Macartney" <>
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 08:43:32 -0000
To briefly re-visit this thread. I agree that a car with lights switched on
in daylight is more visible to others - but last Saturday was an exception
to the rule.
I was halted in a short line of traffic as a car (two ahead of me) turned
across the line of traffic into a driveway. I was halted with running lights
on, handbrake on and foot on the brake. In such an operational condition, my
modern Eurobox looks like a festive decoration of illuminated intensity and
no-one could *not* see it.
It still didn't stop a kid of 20 years slamming into my rear end at about
25-30mph at the wheel of Mummy's little shopping car.
While he admitted full responsibility for totalling my car, he said his
attention was distracted by a small dog in some woodland alongside the road!
I got the police to alchocheck him which was negative - and his Dad is now
pleading with me not to tell my insurers as once reported, his son will lose
his licence as a probationer driver. Needless to say, his son is going to
have to learn the hard way.


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