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RE: no LBC Content -- Too many Birthdays :-) 1974 vs 2004

To: <>
Subject: RE: no LBC Content -- Too many Birthdays :-) 1974 vs 2004
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 13:32:57 -0800
> >> 2004: Dr. Kevorkian
> He is/was a US Doctor who I believe was imprisoned recently for
> conducting assisted suicides --
> euthenasia (mercy killing)

Just to be clear on the subject, Dr. Kevorkian does NOT publicly advocate
euthanasia or mercy killing.  There is a critical distinction ... he only
advocates assisting terminally ill people who wish to die to do so.  Also
known as the "right to die", it's illegal in most of the US today.

He is currently in prison for having helped a man with Lou Gehrig's disease
... an untreatable, degenerative neuro-muscular disease that normally ends
with the patient suffocating because their chest is paralyzed ... to die.
Imagine if you will, being fully aware but imprisoned in a body that refuses
to respond ... sounds like a bad horror movie (I Have No Mouth and I Must
Scream) but people die from it every day.

Anyone who would wish that kind of suffering on their fellow man ... well,
never mind.

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