Looking for general engine bay photos showing what your engine bays look
like. Although I wish I could say it was so I could see how everybody
else's bay looks (which is partially true!), the actual reason I'm asking is
that I can't remember how certain things routed (for instance, how the lines
from the master cylinders get to where they're going, and how the oil
pressure line runs through that area) through the engine bay. Any photo is
appreciated - wiring, connections, hoses, hydraulic lines - anything! I
took photos of everything in 2000 when I took the whole car apart, but of
course, those have long since disappeared. I have about 80% of things
squared away, but it's the little odds and ends that I can't remember, and
have resorted lately to my photos from meets and books such as Piggott's.
As always, any help is appreciated!
Jeff Tedder
'66 & '67 TR4A