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birthdays - another one

To: Triumphs <>
Subject: birthdays - another one
From: charles dubois <>
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 15:59:32 -0800 (PST)

I, too, will add to this thread.   I will be 61 in
October but I do not feel a day over 59. :)  Actually,
by remaining active( 2 marathons in last year - NYC
and Miami)and having a fun car (58 TR3A) really does
make me feel younger than I am.

My first LBC was my first TR3 which I bought in '64. I
used it during my college years in upstate New York. I
knew nothing about cars but one of my fraternity
brothers did and I learned from him.  I drove it
everywhere. One night, my roommate and I were heading
to Albany(10 miles) and ended up in Montreal.  Another
time I towed his Bugeye from Buffalo back to Troy. It
was dead of winter.   We were connected by just a rope
so he was in the Sprite  breaking when neccesary. 
Only problem was the Sprint had no top.  We had to
stop every 30 min or so to make sure he had not frozen
to death.

I loved that car but the time came when the needs of
the car far outpaced my available funds and so it was
sold in '67.

Finally in '72, I was able to buy another TR3.  The
one  I currently have.  The engine was seized so by
the time I had it running(with the help of a
knowledgable friend), I had learned a lot about how
this car works(or does not work as the case may be). 
I used this as my only car for 10 years.

It got driven to Florida where I was teaching.  For
several weeks the starter was non-functioning. The
kids would all gather in the parking lot to watch me
use the crank to start it up to go home. 

It sat for 20 years and 2 summers ago I got it going
again with a lot of advice from this list.  Now I am
trying to get back to where I can use it with same
kind of confidence that I did before. Seems like I can
not go out now without $300 worth of spare parts,a
trunk full of tools, a cell phone and 2 people on call
in case something happens.  Of course, nothing ever
happens.  Atleast so far.

Thanks for listening. 

Charlie DuBois - 
58 TR3 - 31682L

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