> Valvoline Synthetic 80w90 was $4.39 for their tall plastic bottles
That's Durablend, their "semi-synthetic". The courts have ruled that even 3%
synthetic content counts as "semi-synthetic". If you find their full synthetic,
it's substantially more expensive (and rated 75W90). Personally, I'd stay away
from the semi-synthetic stuff, as it's rated GL-5 and may have more of the
additive that eats copper alloys.
> Castrol was $5.00 for 75w90 and
Full synthetic, blend, or conventional ? That's about the right price for
semi-synthetic, IMO.
> COASTAL Full Synthetic was $12 for the same amount of 75w140 !!!!
A reasonable price for full synthetic, IMO.
> Good Grief! COASTAL is a brand I usually save to only put in my WHEELBARROW!!
Your wheelbarrow uses gear oil ?
Does the phrase Caveat Emptor mean anything to you ?