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Re: Electric vehicles

To:, <>
Subject: Re: Electric vehicles
From: Nicholas Wolf <>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 13:29:55 -0800 (PST)
I have been asked by another lister to take this topic off-list, so I'll keep 
it brief.  I'm happy to chat off-list.

>> (yes, SOx causes acid rain... but CO2 is the bigger problem, IMHO).

>I'll challenge that statement, Nick ... you try breathing air containing 300
>ppm SOx and I'll breathe air containing 300 ppm CO2, let's see who dies
>first !

That's not the point.  SOx is a regional problem, and it doesn't stick around.  
As soon as we figure out how to stop producing it (and NOx), acid rain is gone 
in a year.  CO2 is a global problem, taking hundreds of years to build up or 
diminish, and we may already have passed a "point of no return" in terms of 
climate change because of it.

>Are equal amounts of SOx and CO2 being released into the environment?

In California, power plants produce over 4000 times more CO2 than SOx.

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