> It seems it goes through the frame,
> with a hole too
> small to allow the fork to go through. Trying to remove the fork
> from the
> cable is worse than dealing with the caged nuts. It isn't giving at all.
> Any BTDT thank you, once again.
I think you've already got the idea, Terry, the clevis has to come off. Use
a wire brush to clean away as much gunk as you can, then soak it in PB
Blaster for a week or two. To loosen the locknut, you can grip the clevis
with Vice Grips (aka mole grips). With the nut backed off a few turns, soak
in PBB again, then use the vice grips to grip the shaft above the threads
and try to turn the clevis. It usually works better to start moving it the
wrong way, ie turn it towards the nut and then work it back and forth.
Of course the fall-back position is to just cut the cable (HF sells a cheap
angle grinder that works very well for this sort of thing) and replace it
(although I'm not sure if the clevis is currently available or not).
Or, you could just leave well enough alone ... <G>
Randall (with about 170 days to go ...)