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Re: TR's and guns

To: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: TR's and guns
From: "oliver" <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jan 2005 19:52:42 -0600
as a point of fact, texas won its independence from mexico on its own.  in
fact, it is the only state where the state flag is flown at the same height
as the american flag because it is the only state which came into the union
by treaty, not conquest or annexation.

so, no, we would not be speaking spanish.  but we would, however, be
speaking english like a gentleman.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>; <>
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: TR's and guns

> In a message dated 1/14/2005 2:53:05 PM Mountain Standard Time,
> writes:
> Last  time I checked, this was a forum on LBC's. I suggest we stick to
> I don't  need some ignorant Texan tell me how right he is about popguns,
> it for  your NRA crowd. The last time I checked the American Revolution
> won by  Connecticut Yankees and Georgia Crackers. Without us, you
> would  still be speaking Spanish!            Joe Mato  TR3A 75219LO
> Mr. Mato, my apologies if my signature quote has offended you in any  way.
> Please feel free to delete any message I might send to the list in  the
> I will be changing the quotes on my signature occasionally, but I have no
> intention of asking for anyone's approval.
> Please note that my quote did not call anyone a blowhard, ignorant, nor
> it reek of racial bias.  If you wish to discuss this further, please
> me off list so we do not waste the time of those truly interested in
> Robert  Houston
> 63 TR4
> 73 MG Midget
> Texan in NM
> ... You do  not define the First Amendment. It defines you. And it is
> than you.  That's how freedom works. It also demands you do your homework.
> Again and again,  I hear gun owners say, how can we believe anything the
> media says when  they can't even get the facts right? For too long, you
> swallowed  manufactured statistics and fabricated technical support from
> antigun  organizations that wouldn't know a semi-auto from a sharp stick.
And it
> shows.  You fall for it every time. ... Charlton  Heston

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