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Re: Cold engine stalling

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Cold engine stalling
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2005 21:53:20 -0700
Thank you, Randall and Barry, for your cold-weather stalling answers. I 
was driving home after picking up carry-out when my '66 Volvo wagon 
(with SU carbs) stuttered and stalled as I exited the highway. I thought 
"that must be lean" but now I can think to myself "fuel doesn't mix 
thoroughly with the cold air and large droplets don't burn as well. The 
droplets of fuel also have a tendency to settle out, and there's also 
the problem that carburetors mix fuel & air based on volume, while the 
optimum mixture is determined by relative masses. Cold air is denser and 
so the mixture goes lean when the carb is sucking cold air."

I'll also think I should order one of those radiator curtain the swedes 
offered as an option 40 years ago.

Steven Newell
Littleton, CO

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