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Dangerous tools

To: "Triumphs" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Dangerous tools
From: "Bob Rochlin" <>
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 20:00:05 -0500
Thread-index: AcTmLz47B/7/8caCRB2FYWNtkP5e0g== FILETIME=[5EF71900:01C4E62F]
        In high school I took a power mechanics course.  We were warned not
to wear ties, as they could get caught up in the lath and break your neck.
I however missed the lecture on being sure you took the chuck key out before
you started the lath.  I can to this day remember the pain of that chuck key
hitting my lower abdomen.  I could have sworn it had penetrated my clothes
and was imbedded in my body (fortunately, it was not).
`       In flying one of the most studied subjects for pilots are the
mistakes others have made and their consequences in the hope we don't repeat
them. I've found this to be a very useful thread.
Bob Rochlin
72' TR6

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