Hello Kai,
Thank you for your response. I have checked with some of the local wheel
shops, and did discuss those wheels spacers. The problem is the back spacing
for FWD cars would require between a 1 1/2" to a 3" spacer (depending on wheel
and original application) to fit on a TR, so that type of spacer wouldn't be
safe or practical. A custom spacer that bolted to the hub, and then the wheel
bolted onto is one of the solutions I have explored and is possible. When I
have a little more time, I will do a write-up of the options I explored, and
why I arrived at the one I'm currently exploring.
Thanks again,
--- "Kai M. Radicke" <kradicke@wishboneclassics.com> wrote:
> Raymond,
> Have you checked any of the local wheel and tire shops, especially the ones
> that sell new sport wheels aimed at Hondas and VWs? The type of spacers
> you're talking about are VERY common, they usuallty come in 1/8", 1/4", 3/8"
> and 1/2" widths... larger spacers are custom ordered. It will be a whole
> lot cheaper to buy something off the shelf than to manufacturer them
> yourself. Last ones I purchased were about $5 for each spacer.
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