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Subject: TR4A, ect. Differential Tips

To: triumphs-digest@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Subject: TR4A, ect. Differential Tips
Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 18:30:49 EST
In addition to Greg Hutmacher's  fine comments, I would add:

Check the back lash of the ring and pinion; a pointer and feeler gauges can 
visually help if you do not have a dial gauge.  Wipe the oil off first, or 
rinse/flush it off with WD 40.

Check the free play of the smaller gears inside ring gear casing. Excess free 
play here 
can cause the main ring and pinion to fail over time.  The cupped thrust 
washers on the smallest gears come in selective thicknesses   0.057" to 0.077"

Hardy Prentice

Builder of many Triumph rear axles, etc.
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 19:40:07 -0600
From: "Guy D. Huggins" <>
Subject: TR4A Differential Tips

...Is there anything I can do to check the health of the diff?  Is there
anything else I should do that I have
not mentioned?  I have visions of me listening to it with a stethoscope, 
I manually turn the drive shaft,
wondering if I could hear trouble inside.

Guy D. Huggins

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