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Re: Heater Core

To: <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Heater Core
From: "Terry Smith" <>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 19:31:49 -0500 reply-type=original
References: <>
> I asked my local radiator guy about that, he claims that it should be able
> to withstand it's working pressure (which is only about 4 psi, far less 
> than
> an ordinary garden hose) without being restrained.
> Randall

Just a post script note:  I asked my radiator shop to test my heater core, 
and they told me it was rusted completely shut, but hey they could get me a 
replacement through a special vendor for about $650.  I was of course 
drooling with gratitude.

Well, maybe not.

Hmmmm.  I took the heater core home, held a garden hose to the inlet pipe 
and voila! the thing flushed slowly at first, then completely and is 
completely free, clean and fine.

I try to be a positive guy, but I have a hard time believing this was an 
honest mistake.

Terry Smith
'59 TR3A  (Body still off, rest back on, awaiting the body guy this winter.)
New Hampshire 

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