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Re: Horn Not Correct

To:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Horn Not Correct
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 13:17:46 -0600
>This car has a new wiring harness and a new relay
>for the horn, but whenever the steering wheel is turned
>the horn will go off.  In order to get it to stop I need to
>turn the wheel back to straight.  The ground strap to the
>front by the steering box is connected and so is the ground strap
>on the rubber peice near the firewall on the steering linkage.
>Any ideas out there what to look for???

My solution to this on the Lotus was to put the horn button elsewhere.  On
the center of the console, sort of an MGA thing.

I have a ground-strap problem on the TR4 which has me considering the same
solution, but I probably will end up doing it correctly since the TR4 is so
much more original than the Lotus.

Phil Ethier

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