Think of the 'clear bra' as a big piece of heavy-duty transparent tape.
My brother had one
put on his Audi S4 by the dealer -- they charged him about $300 I think.
It did protect the
car from rock chips and it's thick enough to absorb a little impact from
pebbles, so it
might even reduce the risk of small dings. But it lasts about 3 years,
and can start to turn
dark or discolored sooner. On his bright blue car, the clear bra was a
murky charcoal
grey after a little less than two years -- and it was noticably *not
clear* after the first
year. I think the warranty was 3 years prorated so it ended up costing
him $100 a year.
LBC content: I picked him up at the dealer in the TR4, one of a dozen
times I've picked
him up after problems with his Audi or new Volvo. In the same timeframe,
I haven't been
to the Triumph dealer once!
Personally I prefer rock chips to an piece of plastic on any of my old
cars. My brother's
experience was five years ago, maybe they hold up better now? I have a
friend who
is working on a static-cling plastic product for use with (I can't say)
so maybe they're
making it without adhesives now. They're certainly not 'invisible' but
when new they're
not annoying either (on a new car). The only place I really notice rock
chips on my car is
the front valance, maybe that would be a good place for you to focus --
rather than the
bonnet -- since it would be less noticable?
Steven Newell
Littleton, CO
Participate in Democracy.
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but the silence of our friends." Martin Luther King, Jr.