A short while ago I posted a request to the net asking for a source of
chromed instrument bezels for my 1955 TR-3 restoration. After receiving
several answers and doing some investigation, I can report the following:
These parts do not appear to be available.
Neither Moss nor TRF has these nor knows of a source. I had an old catalog
of Smiths Instrument parts from XJS.com ($6 each circa 2000), but they were
not able to help on the old TR parts at this time.
MOMA instrument repair in Albuquerque, NM (Moss' instrument rebuilder)
knows of no source. They referred me to their chrome plater in WA state
who quoted me $45 for the small bezels and $65 for the large
bezels. Each. I understand that these would be a pain to strip, polish
and re-plate, but this is a lot.
Anything I'm missing?
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