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RE: first things first

To: "Randall" <>, <> i82FN2dM021554
Subject: RE: first things first
From: "David Templeton" <>
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 11:23:06 -0400
Thread-index: AcSQkzjULWbcGoAVSiGgn5uZezOL8wAZtd4Q
Thread-topic: first things first

I am very glad to hear you are ok also.  Not to lessen the situation,
the car can be replaced but you can not! I like many others, I suspect,
would definitely dread the loss of a friend of the TR community such as

David Templeton
'59 Tr3a - on the road 
'74 Spitfire - not on the road, gearbox issues again.

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