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Wiring diagram 4A

To: <>
Subject: Wiring diagram 4A
From: "January Williams" <>
Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 11:54:47 -0700
Cc: <> i7LIsrt2023438
Thread-index: AcSHsFRp2fya8/9XSkaBM36hXbpkSQ==
Thread-topic: Wiring diagram 4A
I was wondering the same thing. Somehow the smoke got out of the light switch 
the other day, well, the wiring finally chafed through rubbing on the steering 
shaft, and poof! I attempted to fix the switch, but soldering heat cooked the 
quite soft thermoplastic wafer that held the contacts.
I have Dan Master's excellent diagram ( 
but again realized the limitation of a "schematic," which is that in its best 
form it is so abstract that it doesn't provide much "functional" information 
(any of you guys remember the difference between a Colpitts and a Hartley?) 
What would really interest me more would be a "functional" wiring diagram that 
shows the actual wiring locations and connectors. The only criticism I have of 
Dan's drawing is that the light and ignition switches could be further detailed 
with position and connection information, and I suppose the relays as well.
My generator connections are really cooked by the proximity to the exhaust 
header heat, and I've had many small failures always fixed by cleaning and 
buffing wiring tips and installing new bullet connectors. I've decided to go 
with a new harness this winter, so I'm definitely interested in any notes you 
may take, and may be able to help out if it is a longer range project.
BTW I replaced my rear springs with the "uprated" ones from Moss - (way thicker 
and shorter) - wow, what a difference, got rid of the wallowing and bottoming 
out. Highly recommended.
66 TR4A CTC 74217 LO 
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 23:42:00 -0400
From: "Kentech Motorsports" <>
Subject: Re: Ignition Warning Light Wiring

Here's a thought. Has anyone ever documented the end to end wiring
harness connections for a TR4A - with each color wire along the harness
ID'd and what it connects to?  I've been able to ID many of the wires by
comparing the old harness to my new one and think a complete physical
layout would be very helpful. If nobody had one I'll make one up as I
proceed with my new harness install.


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