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RE: TR-4 Rear Main Seal

To: <>
Subject: RE: TR-4 Rear Main Seal
From: "Jeff Tedder" <>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 15:52:16 -0700
The instructions for my rear main seal that was obtained from BP
Northwest and installed about a year ago stated to grind the crank down
to 64mm +/- 0.1mm.  Unfortunately (for me), the instructions DID NOT say
to hook the spring to itself that came with the kit - only to put it
into the seal groove.  So guess what?  Now I get to change the seal
before I have even started the motor.
Anybody have an opinion if this will REQUIRE the rear main cap to be
removed?  Or is it possible to separate the two seal shells, hook the
spring, and put the shells back in without taking the pan off?  I have
one opinion that says yes, but my recollection was that there wasn't
enough room between the block and the flywheel flange to get the shells
out.  Anyone replaced this?
Jeff Tedder
'66 & '67 TR4A
-----Original Message-----
> I just ordered a Rear seal conversion kit from TSI and I was told that

> the manufactor no longer recommends milling the crankshaft down to 
> 62.5mm but instead to 63.5mm
Paul, I'm not sure if Ted sells the same seal kit that Racetorations and
BFE do ... but I have a set of instructions from Racetorations that have
the 2.500" (63.5mm) dimension scratched out, and 2.520" hand-written in.
You might want to double-check that the 63.5mm dimension isn't someone's
"senior moment" before having your crank ground.

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