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RE: Rear Springs on a TR4

To: <>
Subject: RE: Rear Springs on a TR4
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 08:39:20 -0700
Scott Tilton wrote :
> > FWIW
> >
> > If anything . .the O-turn and skidpad produced a good amount of
> understeer
> > on my car.

Randall babbled in reply :
> That suggests to me that your tires are not up to the task ...
> you're overloading the outside front tire and it's rolling under.
>  What tires and tire pressure are you using ?

Oops, I'm sorry Scott, I hadn't read your previous post.  When I wrote the
above comment, I thought you were saying you had no front swaybar.  If
you've already got a front bar, and you're getting considerable understeer,
then a small rear bar may help.  It won't do much for wheel lift unless the
axle is hitting the frame on the inside (which generally induces a sharp
change to oversteer), but should get you around the circle faster.

There are lots of books around on suspension tuning.  You might want to
start with Addco's "Handling : What it is and how to get it".  It's pretty
basic, and tends to overemphasize the benefits of sway bars, but it's a good
starting point (and at least used to be free or nearly so from Addco).

However, you might still want to experiment a bit with tire pressures.  With
the tall sidewalls of original size tires, most tires seem to like lots of
pressure.  With 65 series or above, I'd start at the maximum marked on the
sidewall and work my way down from there.  Find a nice challenging freeway
ramp and start experimenting.  Early Sunday morning works best for me,
there's less traffic on the road and a better chance you can take the ramp
as fast as your car will let you.


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