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Re: Sticking Starter Pinion?

Subject: Re: Sticking Starter Pinion?
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 09:27:51 EDT
In a message dated 7/31/2004 3:17:21 PM US Eastern Standard Time, writes:

After  suffering the disintegration of my starter coming back from TRA (the   
end cap unscrewed and bits shot around and through the bellhousing), I  
the unit with parts from a beat-up starter purchased through  E-bay.  You  
be sure there is now a cotter pin installed  through the end of the armature  
shaft.  Let us  pray...

Thanks to all for your replies.  I just got my starter working. Here's  the 
list of things I did before reinstalling and testing:

1. Ground off  the excess portions (and weight) of the full-length pinion 
gear teeth so that it  now matches the profile of a standard pinion gear.
2. Elongated the hair  spring a bit to give it more, er, spring.
3. Applied dry graphite to the  moving/sliding parts of the starter. Smooth 
like butter.
4. Degreased the  teeth on the flywheel ring gear.
5. Used a BFH to coax the armature spindle  back into a straighter 
orientation. It was slightly bent.

Hooked up the  starter and voila! It turns and disengages properly. 
Thanks, all.
Bill Stagg
1960 TR3A

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