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Re: High altitude mixture adjustment

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: High altitude mixture adjustment
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2004 10:44:46 +0100
In the days when every car ran fixed or variable jet carburetters (apart
from the diesels), it was an accepted fact that power dwindled as height
increased. Moreover, there was little of practical benefit that could be
done - especially if you frequently mixed your driving between altitude and
sea level, as many did in Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland -
and still do. Today, we have fuel injection and comprehensive engine
management systems to 'optimise' things, and this is fine until some
electronic gizmo packs up.
In my experience, any Triumph that is well set-up to operate at sea-level
conditions will perform more than adequately at up to 10,000 feet ASL
without interference. Last year, both my cars joined up with some European
enthusiasts in the Alps and we had Spitfires, GT6's, injected TR's, Big Six
carb and injection, SU'd TR's and all the rest. None of them caused any
trouble at high altitude, though they were a little down on power at 10k
feet. My PI did take some cranking after lunch on most days but as we were
usually at 8-10000 feet at the time, this was to be expected - but no-one
did anything
to adjust any car. It wasn't worth the trouble and it certainly didn't spoil
anyone's enjoyment of the event or driving their car. My recommendation -
leave things as they are and stop worrying about it. It's not an issue -
unless you're neurotic about performance being maintained regardless of


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