Hi List
Well, today it was time to have another go on the TR3. I have recharged
the battery and a quick test revealed a starter in nice shape :-))
I then removed the distributor and found myself a rod to drive the pump
with, and the pump gave lot of oil - thank God! I ten reinstalled the
distributor, bled the oilpressure line before preparing for another go. I
cranked the engine again and woh - 50 lb on the gauge!
So now I think I'm ready to have a go with ignition and patrol...
But I have another rather important question to raise, conserning
polarisation of the generator. I have converted to negative earth and my
question is:
To polarise the generator, could I use a wire between the positive battery
and the narrower of the lucar connection on the generator (there are one
wide and one narrower)?
Terje Kolbeinsen