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Silicone on rear sealing block on 4A

To: <>
Subject: Silicone on rear sealing block on 4A
From: "Kentech Motorsports" <>
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2004 23:22:45 -0400
What is the collective wisdom on using silicone instead of shellac
soaked felt for the rear sealing block on the TR4A engine?  My local
machine shop turned the scroll and drilled the rear main cap on my crank
for the modern seal (from BPNW). The suggested (and used silicone)
instead of the felt that I provided on the rear sealing block; they said
the silicone that they shot in would seal without leak and would be
superior to pounding in the felt pieces. At this point the only thing in
the engine is the crank but before I complete assembling the rest of the
pieces, I though that I would ask for a second opinion. So should I take
it apart or leave it and continue?

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