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RE: A matter of timing...

To: <>
Subject: RE: A matter of timing...
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 19:46:46 -0700
> I've got my TR4 ready to run after almost 2 years of misc work,
> none on the engine, carbs, etc. that would affect the running.
> But I installed new spark plugs and had the wires off
> (obviously.)  When I went to put them back on, I thought I'd
> better check the firing order to be sure.  1-3-4-2,
> anti-clockwise, is what my book says.  But the wires do not
> agree.  I hooked the wires up according to the firing order in
> the book but it won't start, even with a little ether assistance,
> and the wire from #3 will just barely reach.  It will fire but
> acts like it is out of time.  So am I!  I want to drive it, not
> stumble over it!  Any suggestions?  I have to assume that #1 wire
> is at the top left of the distributor looking down from the left
> side of the car.....and I am fully aware what assuming will do....
> 1  4
> (: :)    Right?
> 2  3

Nope, can't be right, you've got #3 opposite #1, instead of #4.

Remove the spark plug from #1, stick your finger over the hole and bump the
engine over until it blows your finger off the hole.  Now line up the timing
hole in the front pulley with the little pointer.  This is TDC with #1 ready
to fire.  Another way to find it is to look down the oil filler hole, and
find the position where neither valve for #1 is moving as the hole comes to
the pointer.

Now the rotor has to point to the terminal for #1.  Run that lead to #1,
then the next lead CCW to #3, then #4 and #2.  This procedure will work even
if someone has goofed up the installation of the distributor drive gear or
put the drive dog on the shaft backwards.


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