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RE: Events List

To: "\"Triumphs List \(E-mail\)\"" <>
Subject: RE: Events List
From: "Randall" <>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 20:57:51 -0700
John & Patricia Donnelly wrote :

> (By the
> way, the VTR site is one of the worst websites on the internet. Whoever
> maintains it needs to be shot at dawn. I'd rather have a root
> canal than go
> on that obscene site. It's unprofessional, disorganized, outdated, and my
> eyes hurt with the colors.)

In all fairness, John, the VTR site has still not fully recovered from the
last cyber break-in.  It used to be much better and I'm sure it will be
again, someday.  It's all done by unpaid volunteers ... did I just hear you
volunteer to help out ??

> After scouring other sites I found a British Car meet in Ventura
> CA this Sunday, then VARA Racing at California Speedway 7/31/04.

The local clubs are all manned by volunteers too ... it's tough enough
finding someone willing to do the job without dictating to them how to do
it.  Again, if you would care to volunteer, we'd love to have you !  The
rest of us would much rather be driving our Triumphs ...

However, we could probably be doing at least a bit more to help keep the VTR
site up to date with west coast events ... I'll respectfully suggest that at
the next meeting.


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