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Re: Most efficient reassembly sequence TR4A

Subject: Re: Most efficient reassembly sequence TR4A
From: don spence <>
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 16:46:20 -0600
My TR4A has been apart for 16 years. ( I had two kids, a GT6, another 
4A and still have a 72 TR6 -for sale- and a Jag 3.8 'S' type- also for 

Anyway, the youngest is now 16 and I find I now have some time to get 
back to "The Invisible Car" as it's fondly referred to by the local 
Club members.
My big question is where to start and what comes after that?
The body has been completely stripped, finished and was painted 16 
years ago. Currently the body is on the chassis, doors and door glass 
and seals, door trim (and fender trim) and handles are installed. Trunk 
lid and handle are installed as is the tank. Hood (bonnet) is installed 
but will have to be removed to install engine and gearbox.

Heater, vents, inner and outer dash, wiring harness, steering column, 
pedal box, MC's etc etc etc are not installed. Other than what's listed 
in the paragraph above everything is in boxes,  new, NOS or original.  
It looks to be a daunting task as I took it apart a long time ago.

That's about it. What I'd appreciate is suggestions as to a reassembly 
sequence that would lead to the least of the "install A, b and d. 
remove a to provide access to install c and f. remove f to install e 
Words of encouragement also appreciated.
Don and "The Invisible Car"

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