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RE: Stromburg carbs.

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: Stromburg carbs.
From: "Jim Davis" <>
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2004 17:46:48 -0400
The Strombergs are junk! But because I collect junk I'll take them off
your hands at no charge to you. I'll even pay you $25 for shipping and
Please email your address and I'll send you a check.  

Jim Davis :>)
Fortson, GA

Cleaning out my shed.  When I bought my TR6, PO gave me several boxes 
of "stuff".  In one of the boxes were the the original stromburgs.  PO
told me 
they were running fine when he replaced 'em with Weber DGVs.

What are the stromburgs worth?  Anything, or should I just toss 'em?  


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