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RE: IRS Clunk

To: "Triumphs List" <>, <>
Subject: RE: IRS Clunk
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 20:27:43 -0400
>Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 23:28:09 +0100
>From: "jonmac" <>
>Subject: Re: TR4A IRS clunk
>Being something of a pessimist (and heard many clunky TR's in the past in
>their youth and mine) I incline towards the costlier end of things:
>The lower cost alternative is ridging on the half shaft splines or shot UJ's
>The higher cost option is the diff mount - and if you can feel it through
>the seat of your pants, I'd go for the diff mount every time. Three times on
>my own cars it was the diff.
>Sorry - I hope for your sake I'm wrong.

Well, I appreciate the input.  The diff mount studs are on my mental list.  I
sure hope that this is not the problem because the car has only 400 miles on
it since the frame-off restoration.  I would regret the need to pull the body
again!!!!!  I am thinking it is a shot U-joint.  They are the original ones
and one cup may have gone dry in an area (despite greasing) and then wore out.

I am mystifyed about the fact that using the brakes makes it worse.  I would
have expected that braking would not particularly affect a u-joint or diff
mount problem.  While the IRS hub might well be affected in that way....


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