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Re: I have sinned in my heart... Very little LBC content. Most ly LG

To: <>
Subject: Re: I have sinned in my heart... Very little LBC content. Most ly LGC content
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 22:07:48 -0400
References: <>
> I am considering buying a BMW M Roadster.  There.  I've said it.  I feel
> better already just confessing to all of you.
> Greg Hutmacher
> 1976 TR6

BMW Z cars are today's version of the Jag XK roadster series  from '60's.
Totally cool, ultra responsive and styled.  These cars will retain their
value and will have parts available in 40 years, same as the jags.  The
Miata will be like the MG Migit.  Both will be perfectly fine collector
items, just different ends of the spectrum.  Too soon to say about the
Toyota and Honda, but as a step up from the Miata, and a step down from the
BMW/Jag, they might be comparable to the TR3/TR4 series?

'Course, that assumes we have fossil fuels in 40 years and are not driving
Morgan [geldings] with a fuel economy of 15 mpb (miles per bale).  [Me, I
was hoping for a contemporary automobile that ran on human sewage sludge,
but found that Chevrolet already produced them.]

Terry Smith
'59 TR3A  (body off, most of rest rebuilt, replaced and back on.)

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