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Re: Distributor Caps

Subject: Re: Distributor Caps
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 21:33:45 EDT
In a message dated 7/26/2004 9:21:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Has  anyone noticed that Moss has quite selling the non-Lucus (and much  less
expensive) distributor caps (for the 4 cylinder TRs anyway)?   Wasn't there a
discussion here not too long ago questions the quality of  these replacement
type distributor caps (or did I dream that)?  Does  anyone know if quality
(or lack thereof) was/is the  issue?

The discussion I remember seemed to center more around "originality" and  
modern caps not having the "LUCAS" name on them. But then, I suspect it has 
many, many years since LUCAS actually manufactured distributor caps as 
opposed  to simply repackaging them?  

--Andy Mace

*Mrs Irrelevant: Oh, is it a  jet?
*Man: Well, no ... It's not so much of a jet, it's more your,  er,
Triumph Herald engine with wings.
-- Cut-price  Airlines Sketch, Monty Python's Flying Circus  (22)

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