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RE: Stromburg carbs.

To: <>, <> i62CFtOJ006118
Subject: RE: Stromburg carbs.
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2004 08:14:04 -0400
Thread-index: AcRf6UTJAcMW3MzwQeSq+9abDWAWCQARES8g
Thread-topic: Stromburg carbs.
>>What are the stromburgs worth?  Anything, or should I just toss 'em?  

Heavens NO!  Worst-case if you must have them out of the garage/shed -
post them on eBay!  Don't throw them out!  

You might only get $5-$10 or so for them (dunno for sure...maybe more),
but at least you are keeping the parts in circulation!

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