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RE: TR2-6 Brake performance

To: "- triumph (E-mail)" <>
Subject: RE: TR2-6 Brake performance
From: "Janssen, Lee K" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 14:44:07 -0600
Thread-index: AcRYmah8CobZv55aSDalFWkpYLkMMA==
Thread-topic: RE: TR2-6 Brake performance
1) Braking is a complex issue that is dependant on a LARGE number of issues 
including tires, weight distribution, pad composition, rotor construction, etc.

2) A number of the statements are based on opinions rather than fact, 
unfortunately a large percentage of the people reading these posts cannot 
differentiate between opinion and fact. The statements cover a wide range of 
vehicles and may be misleading at best and hazardous at worst. 

3) Personally I believe that the VTR article should never have been written and 
I recommend that you ignore it.


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