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RE: TR6 Broken door stopper hooks

To: <> i5MB8XOJ026214
Subject: RE: TR6 Broken door stopper hooks
From: "Dean Mericas" <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 07:08:12 -0400
Thread-index: AcRYSTT9Hdf6s9NzS7+djLxUYS5yxQ==
Thread-topic: RE: TR6 Broken door stopper hooks
The passenger side door on my TR4 had the original metal tabs replaced with
what I would call a "rod eye" or "eye bolt".  It's a very clean solution.
The biggest disadvantage is that it doesn't capture the check strap on both
sides, so there is some side loading of the connection.  I've looked for
something along the lines of a fork eye in a small size, but haven't seen
anything suitable.
Dean Mericas
1965 TR4
1974 2000 GTV

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