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RE: * TR3 Crapped Out Again * B/O plates

To: "'Dave Massey'" <>
Subject: RE: * TR3 Crapped Out Again * B/O plates
From: "Bill Miller" <>
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2004 13:42:56 -0500
Cc: <>
Thread-index: AcRW7eMRYuke+pBAShyOCg1N8Bha3QAB/kfQ
Except, I don't have a gasket (or a TR3)
I'm a spitfire man!

Just trying to help....

-----Original Message-----
>If Ted doesn't have them, Someone send me a drawing of the gasket and I
 will burn some out at work Monday.   I have a computer driven plasma table
at work....

Failing that, take a gasket and go from there.


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