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RE: Air Compressers- From a Pro

To: <>
Subject: RE: Air Compressers- From a Pro
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 05:55:52 -0700
> I talked to my friend who said to really sandblast you need a 5hp
> 2stage compresser with a 80 gallon tank. Anything less and you
> are waiting for it to catch up. And the famous last words"
> they'll sell you anything"

Right.  Including something that claims to be "5hp" but performs more like a

Saw a sale flyer just the other day, unusually honest, with a "6.2hp"
compressor advertised that said in the fine print "1.8hp continuous".

One good way to tell when they're lying is to check the apparent power the
motor draws.  Take the nameplate current times the nameplate voltage and
divide by 1000.  The result is fairly close to how many horsepower the motor
is actually delivering.  So for example, if the nameplate says 20 amps at
220 volts, 20 * 220 = 4400 voltamps, which is about 4.4 hp.  If they claim
that is a "6hp" compressor ... Warning !


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