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Re: If the TR3 was made today

To: "Triumph List" <>
Subject: Re: If the TR3 was made today
From: "jonmac" <>
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2004 08:47:12 +0100
Having been off-line for the last week, I've had a lot of catching up to do
on backposts. I think it would be entirely feasible to re-create a
sidescreen TR, while at the same time retaining the period look and feel of
an earlier age. After all, there are enough Lotus Seven clones that *fit the
bill* and while some may sneer at them being mere kit cars, as far as the UK
is concerned - they still have to meet some critical crash test criteria.
They look very similar to their forebear, are fantastic fun (I built a
Westfield in 1989 that fell victim to a divorce) and loved every minute at
its wheel. Looking back and comparing it to the Lotus *reputation* you
didn't need a sack of spanners to tighten everything up after each trip out!
:) In fact, I liked it so much and as I'm 60 in two months time, I'm
seriously thinking of ditching both my Triumphs and doing it over again.


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