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RE: Door Wood for TR3s & TR3As

To: "Randall Young" <>
Subject: RE: Door Wood for TR3s & TR3As
From: "Ken Nachman" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 16:22:12 -0400
Cc: <>
Randall - not a bad idea. My wood is so old and hard that glue refuses to
stick. I think I'll replace with new and see what happens. The dowell idea
is good and if my new wood doesn't fit I may need to go that route. The guy
making the piece makes high dollar custom kitchen cabinets (ask me how I
know) and hopefully it will be perfect.

Ken Nachman
Richmond Triumph Register - Hosts of the VTR National Convention
(804) 840-1441

-----Original Message-----
From: Randall Young []
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 2:22 AM
To: Ken Nachman
Subject: RE: Door Wood for TR3s & TR3As

> When the lift the dot pins on my TR3A get loose I stuff a match stick
> into the hole and screw them back in.  It seems to work very well.

A wooden match stick coated with a bit of carpenter's (or even Elmer's) glue
works even better.  I use that for lots of things, including the sidecurtain
brackets on my TR3A.  If you want to really get fancy, you can drill and
glue in a hardwood dowel ... but I've never bothered.


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