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Restoration update and question

To: "TR Mailing List" <>
Subject: Restoration update and question
From: "Guy D. Huggins" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 07:58:58 -0500
Greetings All,
My TR4A is coming along just fine.  I just about gotten to the point
where I have everything, and I mean everything, removed
from the body.  Just this last weekend I removed the doors, after
marking their previous position on the "A" post, and removed
all of the innards.  When I first looked at the exploded view of the
door in the Bentley Manual I was quite intimidated.  But once
I got started, I found it was not all that bad.
However, to get everything off of the body tub, panels and door skins I
have to remove all of the little snaps, clips, etc. that are
being held on by rivets.  Does anyone out there have some experience or
advice they could lend on the best way to remove these.
I was thinking it would be as simple as drilling them out.
As far as the restoration in concerned, I've got a man doing any body
welding to the needed areas.  Once he is done, the body tub
will come off the chassis, which will then come home with me so that I
can work on it day-to-day.
As always, my project diary is on the web at
Peace be with you!
Guy D. Huggins
"Life isn't about having, it's about being.." 

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