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A type overdrive solenoid adjustment

To: <>
Subject: A type overdrive solenoid adjustment
From: "Chris Jameson" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 11:27:13 +1000
Thread-index: AcRIQLrljd7AfvTUQz23QSJtwr7AEA==
Hi List,

Its the second day of winter down under, and I am fiddling with my
overdrive..The problem was that the od was quite slow (3-5 seconds) to
engage, then wouldnt engage at all when the car had warmed up.  I thought
that either the pressure was low, or the operating lever was adjusted too
far back.  I put a gauge on the od, which reads around the 400 psi
mark.which should be enough for normal operation.  I adjusted the operating
lever (on rhs of gearbox) forward.  With solenoid disengaged, the lever sits
with the end pretty much aligned with the hole..

When I switch the overdrive on, (wheels jacked up on stands), the od now
engages immediately with a mighty thump!  This seems to have fixed the slow
engagement problem, but I am now concerned that the solenoid feels
hot.Could this be that the solenoid is maintaining the actuating current (8
amps?)  rather than the holding open current (1 amp?) ?  Or is it just
getting hot from the gearbox casing.I noticed the new rubber boot I
installed 6 months ago is now dry and cracked :-(  The ammeter on the
instrument panel shows a brief discharge on od engagement, then sits around
the zero mark..

Could someone please tell me how to measure the current with a multimeter
with the solenoid in situ?  I am quite happy with voltage and resistance,
but current measurement is not on my list of multimeter skills..



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