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I'm Back!

Subject: I'm Back!
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 10:47:21 -0700 (PDT)
... and I'll bet y'all didn't even miss me.  Seriously, I have been missing
from the list for a little more than a year due to the fact I had lost my job. 
Finally(!) I am now among the gainfully employed again and have time to devote
to things such as finishing my TR4A restoration and working on my website.

Talking about my website, One of the last questions I had asked on the list was
for info on web site hosting because I'm running out of room at Geocities and
I'll either have to remove features such as the Picture Gallery to add
additional Maintenance articles.  Any suggestions are appreciated.

Raymond L. Hatfield
'65 TR4A IRS, O/D, SAH Tuned "Chance"
'73 Stag 4.3L, Auto, A/C, etc "Molly" 
Little Rock, AR

Come visit the Michelotti TR Website:

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