The major thing to remind the machine shop about is that the valve stems
vary enough from one to another that they have to be individually
fitted. Most modern engines, particularly the Japanese variety, have
such standard stem thicknesses that the machine shop can measure one and
drill all the guides to that measurement, knowing that things will turn
out well. Not the TR6! Ask Mike Hammond ( about a
competent machine shop in the Sacramento area.
Bill McLeod
S;ightly Classics
Tucson, AZ
Carl Huppert wrote:
>All - Can anyone give me the brief list of "bewares" when having a TR6
>head rebuilt. I had it redone a few years back and almost immediately,
>I was smoking, puffing oil smoke on startup. <> Anyway, the short list would be
>appreciated or naming a reputable shop in Nor Cal (Sacramento).