> Just rebuilt my brake MC, reinstalled and bled the system. It seems the
> brakes are slightly engaged and the pedal has almost no any travel at all
> and extremely hard to press. I've adjusted and re-adjusted the
> push rod and
> it doesn't have much of any affect on it at all. Any suggestions?
My guess would be you've assembled the MC incorrectly, perhaps forgot to
re-engage the rod between the foot valve and the piston, or the clip that
links it to the piston. (If you took the clip off the piston, it needs to
be re-bent when you install it, which may have caused it to break.)
However, adjusting the push rod should certainly have some effect on the
free play at the pedal ... basically you are setting how far the pedal
should move before the MC piston begins to move and there must be some free
play here. Could the pedal be binding on it's pivot and not returning fully