>Yes, occasionally a little water
> comes in through the zipper - it is not watertight! Water can get in two
>Directly as water hits square onto the zipper and it drips in. Indirectly
by water
>pooling on the tonneau to the point where it overflows into the zipper.
>tonneaus have a seam on either side of the zipper and if put on tight
enough will
>not leak by pooling. Direct leakage is more dependent on the design of the
tonneau - most do not have a flap over the
> top of the zipper. --Peter Arakelian - '71 TR6, Daily Driver
Scuba diving in the northeast gets cold in early spring, so I use a dry
suit, which is a big like a big people tonneau for torrential salt rain.
Scuba retailers sell a bees wax stuff for rubbing into the single big zipper
to aid in anti-corrosion and waterproofing. Pretty much end of problem, I
would think.
By the way, I'd also like to thank Peter for being on the List and sharing
his perspective. I've found it very helpful on several occasions.
Terry Smith
'59 TR3A (Off the frame and in pieces, but rebuilt engine, tranny,
suspension, brakes are all installed on a freshly cleaned and painted frame!
Nearly time to turn attention to body work....)
New Hampshire