> I recently purchased an TR3 speedometer on ebay (no regrets).
> However, the pointer is very erratic and sticks at about 20mph
> when stopped. Did I get the wrong model speedometer?
Yup, it's obviously for a car that looks like it's going 20 when it's
stopped ...
> If so,
> what should I look for? Am I missing something like grounding?
Nope, they're purely mechanical. One thing to try : loosen the drive cable
a bit at the speedo head and see if that cures the sticking. Some speedo (&
tach) cables are too long and can put pressure onto the works inside the
head, which causes all sorts of strange problems.
> Or should I start to locate another speedometer (the old one
> seized)?
Unless you're interested in taking up the fine art of speedometer repair,
I'd suggest either buying another one (which likely won't be a whole lot
better, these things are 40-something years old after all) or sending yours
off to be repaired.
If you would like to take a stab at it yourself, see