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* TR3 Valve Timing *

To: <>
Subject: * TR3 Valve Timing *
From: "Wayne" <>
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2004 22:40:01 -0500
References: <>
I know I'm probably gonna get in trouble for this, but I don't understand my
Bentley manual, and I can't find the answer I need in the archives.

The manual says rotate the engine (no direction specified) until any
cylinder has valves at rock or something like that.  I think it means when
they are both about to move.  Then rotate the engine one full turn and
adjust the valves.  I wish I had my Haynes manual and did not have to bring
up what is surely a common and over used subject.

If anyone can whip up a reply I would appreciate it.  Once I get this done I
test then move onto the ignition timing.  I hope that is easier to


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