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RE: VTR Website

To: <> i3NNI7RS017847
Subject: RE: VTR Website
From: "January Williams" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 16:18:04 -0700
Thread-index: AcQpiTj5DJzzuF3NRKOTgQVq9sV03g==
Thread-topic: RE: VTR Website
Wow, it really is bad, huh.  I haven't looked at it for some time . . .
although I check the ads every day or so. Here's the link I use

I think you have to enable cookies to get this bit to work - I use
adsubtract and I have it exempted in there to allow this server. Anyway,
the ads are readable (not black background)

66 TR4A CTC74217 LO

Ok, what happened to the VTR website at  It used to be useful.
Now the colour scheme renders it virtually unreadable and I can't find a
link to the "Classified Ads" anymore.  Anyone out there know what
happened and why?
Mike Himelfarb

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