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Re: TR3A Rear Valence

Subject: Re: TR3A Rear Valence
From: Bryce <>
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2004 15:24:51 -0700
Thread-index: AcQc3io6EXWVLOx2Qm23wTySnI+AKwABIpNwADUyM0AAACkzwA==

If there is a manufactured panel available I would replace it with a whole
panel. You can chase problems, and if you are not really skilled at
panelbeating you can really muck up the panel.

We are on the process of doing a '57 TR-3 in the shop right now and we have
used many replacement panels supplied by both Moss and V/B (Both of which we
are distributors for) with great results.

Restoringly Yours,
Bryce Mack
The Paneldoctor
Classic Auto Restoration Services

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